Preparation for the Wilderness - Part II

It seems like yesterday when the Holy Spirit tried to get my attention to lead me into the Wilderness. It all started in 2006 when I was trying to find a church that would be a good fit for me, but I wasn't having good success. Like a little lost sheep I was wondering here, there, and some of everywhere, but no place felt like home.

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Learning Obedience

Growing up in the 60s and 70s was very challenging for me. My siblings and I grew up as latchkey kids with no adult supervision and very little parenting because my Mother was away working.

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God's Blue Print

We are the Father's intelligent design, and as a part of His creation, we are created in His image and likeness to give Him glory and to do His will. We are not here on earth by accident. We are here for a divine assignment. Before we left heaven, the Father placed His plans within our hearts and determined a specific time when everything would line up so we would connect to Him, His plan, and purpose for our lives. 

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Awesomely and Fearfully Made

Although I hate to admit it, I didn't see the ocean until my early 40s, but I remember it like it was yesterday. When my eyes landed on that vast sea of water, I screamed with glee like a kid receiving a piece of candy. I yelled at the top of my lungs for my husband to pull over so we could walk on the seashore before checking into our hotel room. I'll always remember Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. As I walked along the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean, I couldn't help but think, "How does all this water know how to stay in one place, and what keeps it from flooding the earth?"

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