Angela Fleming-Bessah's debut novel, "The Beautifully Healed Rose," is an engaging memoir detailing her journey of abuse from adolescence to early adulthood. She is an overcomer of violence and adversity and brings a biblically unique perspective to the domestic violence arena.
She encourages and motivates the hearts and minds of victims to aim higher and become victorious in their healing journey. Angela is a shining up-and-coming author focusing on helping women heal and achieve their God-given purpose.
Angela is a teacher of the Torah, an Old Testament Prophetess, and a Spiritual Counselor. She is passionate about helping women overcome abuse, domestic violence, and trauma while teaching them to walk victoriously in the grace of a loving Father.
She is a dedicated housewife who resides with her husband in Atlanta, Georgia and enjoys cooking, gardening, reading, and spending time with her favorite person, her dog Bo.
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